As Your State Representative I Have Worked Towards:
Providing Economic Relief
Families across Missouri are struggling with rising costs. Providing economic relief eases financial burdens on hard-working residents. Continuing to fight against Democratic tax hikes, while advocating for continued tax relief has always been one of my top priorities.
As your Representative, I have:
Proudly supported property and Social Security tax relief for Missouri seniors
Promoted the restoration of domestic manufacturing
Voted against Democrat tax hike proposals
Strengthening Public Safety
As the economic engine of Missouri, a safe and thriving St. Louis is crucial for the prosperity of our entire region. High crime and a feeling of insecurity hinder business growth and deters investment underscoring the need for increased public safety.
As your Representative, I have:
Supporting our law enforcement community and first responders
Holding progressive prosecuting attorneys accountable
Educational Excellence
I voted for legislation that supports educators through raises and prioritizes excellence. I believe in empowering parents with increased education savings account funding and giving them more control over their children's schooling. Valuing teachers, offering options, and investing in innovation strengthens Missouri's academic standing.
As your Representative, I have:
Supporting our teachers by voting to increase starting teacher pay by $14,000
Voted to fully fund our schools
Supported expanding access to early childhood education